Sunday, November 24, 2019

Steps to show and hide button using javascript Ribbon Bench

Ribbon customization show /hide button using javascript

  1. Install ribbon bench managed solution
  2. Import the ribbon bench managed solution
  3. Go setting ->customization->Click on ribbon bench
  4. Open solution which should contain entity and javascript logic to show/hide
  5. Add new button on the form
  6. Add the command on the new button
  7. Add enable rule ->custom rule->give websource name and display
  8. Add  parameter in enable rule ->Crm parameter->primary control
  9. Add the newly added enable rule to command 

Perform action after button click

  1. Add action on the command ->select javascript ->add function
  2. Add parameter->crm parameter-.>primary control

Display rule:
  1. Show/hide button based on field value->add display rule
  2. Add value rule->field name->value

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